Friday 20 January 2017

Great Indian Mathematicians

Where education has now become just a business for most, we Igniters For Tomorrow started an initiative on most of the digital platforms, taking the future yet digital generation into consideration. 
We've chosen the most dynamic topic today 'Mathematics & the great Indian Mathematicians'.
Math, it's one of those things that most people either love or hate. Those people who fall in love with this, count themselves a fan of mathematics, it's hard to argue that it hasn't been a vital factor in our rapid evolution as a society. Some people become a mathematical expert who are highly skilled and knowledgeable in this particular field. 
Today we are going to introduce you few only Indian Mathematicians all around the world, who left all the speculations behind & made paths for themselves and society. These scientist & mathematicians worked in the fields of pure and applied mathematics. Mathematicians analyze data, study patterns and develop mathematical models that not only help to further human knowledge, but are also utilized for solving problems in various order. 
Aryabhatta was an acclaimed mathematician-astronomer, his contribution to mathematics, science and astronomy is immense. At the age of 24, he wrote "Aryabhatiya" which covers arithmetic, algebra and trignometry, he was aware of the concept of zero, as well as the use of large numbers up to 1018. He was the first to calculate the vale if 'pi' (π) accurately to the fourth decimal point. He devised the formula for calculating areas of triangles and circles. He  calculated the circumference of the earth as 62,832 miles, which is an excellent approximation and axis. He was the first known astronomer to devise a continuous counting of solar days, designing each day with a number. He asserted that the planets shine due to the reflection of sunlight and the eclipse occur due to gthe shadows of moon and earth. His observation discount the "flat earth" concept, and lay the foundation for the belief that earth and other planets orbit the sun. 
Bhaskara II, also known as Bhaskaracharya, was a 12th century Indian mathematician also a renowned astronomer who accurately defined many quantites, including the length of the sidereal year. He made the significant discovery of the principles of different calculus and its application to astronomical problems before European mathematicians like Newton and Leibniz made similar discoveries. It is believed that Bhaskara II was the first to conceive the differential coefficient and differential calculus. He wrote the first work with full and systematic use of the decimal number system and also wrote extensively on the other mathematical techniques and on his astronomical observations of planetary positions, conjunctions, eclipses, cosmography and geography. In recognition of his valuable contributions to mathematics and astronomy, he has been called the greatest mathematician of medieval India.                    
Srinivasa Ramanujan was an Indian mathematician who made significant contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory and continued fractions. What made his achievements extra ordinary was the fact that he received almost no formal training in pure mathematics and started working on his own mathematical research in isolation. He excelled in mathematics as a school student and mastered a book on advanced trigonometry written by S.L. Loney by the time he was 13. He introduced the book 'A Synopsis of Elementary Results in Pure and Applied Mathematics' which played a huge role in awakening mathematics genius. He had already investigated the Bernoulli numbers and had calculated the Euler-Mascheroni constant up to 15 decimal places. However, due to this he was unable to focus on other subjects as well and could't complete his degree. After years of struggling, he was able to publish his first paper in the 'Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society' which helped him gain recognition. He moved to England and began working with the renowned mathematician G.H. Hardy. Their partnership  through productive, was short-lived as Ramanujan died of an illness at the age of just 32.
Bhramagupta was a highly accomplished ancient Indian mathematician and an astronomer who was first to give rules to compute with zero. He is best remembered as the author of the theoretical treatise 'Brahmasphutasiddhanta (Brahma)'. He composed his texts in elliptic verse in Sanskriti, as was common practice in mathematics of his time. Brahma had a great on Islamic mathematics and astronomy. He was among the few thinkers of his era who had realized that the earth was not flat but a sphere. In addition to being an accomplished mathematician, he was also a much revered astronomer. His 'Brahmasphutasiddhanta' is the first book that mentions zero as a number and also gives rules for using zero with negative and positive numbers.     
Hence, the great scientist Albert Einstein also mentioned this that many Indian mathematicians have proved the world their work & many still need to come up, and the world is thankful to them for their worth working.
So, these were few some of the great Indian mathematicians and our initiative to let you people aware bit more about them through our newly launched blog. We hope that it had meaningful content and helped you knowing them more.
More chapters to come..................stay tuned...........☺
An Initiative taken by- IGNITERS FOR TOMORROW (a division of 'For Tomorrow Group of Education & Training'), an institute that provides the best quality method for Engineering & Medical entrance exams preparation to IXth on-word students. Where content with immense quality is our priority to be given & faculty guides are available for the better career driven minds and path, so that students mentoring can be done properly & they can find out the best out of them.
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